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This is a collection of poetry from across the material plane. The authors are mostly unknown, but can assumed to be of the bohemian disposition.

the hills have eyes
heavy lidded with eternal watch
each tree is a feeling tendril
be careful where you put your mill

bleary months too cold to care
 choking down the frigid air
fighting against powdered snow
 i wish so badly i could grow
in with the weeds of winter
 finding frozen broken beaten center
i spit out a tooth
 and continue to speak my truth

Sunset early in unholy mind
Walking backward slowly
Hoping deathly to find
Waxdeep fingers under cover of night,
Ridges defined in ways I can't divine
Candlelit vigil necessarily alien
I pray that I'll be able to walk right again
Slow emotion
Quick to anger
Everyone in constant danger.

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