The Story of Yellan Stow

A temporal omnipresence

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  The ritual he conducted did as he thought, and when he met with the gods, there at the beginning, Yellan Stow told them everything he knew. Mortals called abominations to this world, causing a near cataclysm. A ritual that pulled the gods from their place in the divine planes called them as the safeguards of the reality they forged, and they took the ancient races of men with them. Before they left, they created giants in the stead of the ancients, and taught them to be wary of magic. They gave the giants, too, the power of creation, but not as unregulated as the ancients. Yellan Stow remained in his domain, a demiplane carved in the space between. He built a library, collecting the books of the ancients, copies of every written word on Mornstar, creating a haven for researchers. Plumbing the depths of their knowledge, the dragon saw their divergence. Silax's foolish proceedings were well meant, he found, but well meaning does not absolve him of the sin.